Atlantic Group of Companies Joins Belize Chamber of Commerce Affiliate for Haiti Relief

Atlantic Bank made a monetary donation of $5,000 to assist the earthquake victims of Haiti. Of this sum, Atlantic Bank employees donated $836.

The donation was made through the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which will use its Western Union network to raise $50,000 Belize dollars for the relief effort. Western Union Foundation will then match collected funds and present a check to the Belize Red Cross.

The Belize Red Cross has also established account 210657243 BELIZE RED CROSS APPEAL with Atlantic Bank into which the general public can deposit funds for the earthquake relief. Funds can be contributed online via our third party feature by entering the account number in the Transfer to Account field and “Appeal” in the Beneficiary’s Surname field or over the counter at any of our offices countrywide.

Atlantic Bank understands the importance of being a responsible corporate organization and assists our community partners to help rebuild the lives of all those that were affected by the earthquake.

For more information about the Atlantic Bank donation to the Haiti earthquake victims, kindly contact the Marketing Department at 223-4123 ext. 222.