Help us Go Green in 2016!
Atlantic Bank in collaboration with Institute for Sustainability of Community and Environment (IN.S.C.E) invites you to join in our initiative to help reduce the overdraft on nature. We have partnered to produce Go Green Bags to create awareness in preserving our valuable resources and also to provide jobs for craftsmen and craftswomen in our community.
Each beautiful bag was hand-made in Belize and created using eco-friendly resources. Help us in reducing the overdraft on nature!
Atlantic Bank's contribution towards Billion Acts of Green focused on the provision of 1000 hand sewn bags made from natural fabrics to promote paperless banking and paper reduction. Read full story.
Here are a few simple tips that can help you do your part to go green and save hundreds of dollars yearly.
- Pay your bills online.
- Preview documents before printing.
- Print only on pages required.
- Duplexing (two-sided printing) when possible, as well as limiting printed materials/e-mails/memos.
- Increase margin width of documents.
- Shredding and recycling all paper material internally.
- Before printing a document on paper, consider if it can be saved.
- Unplug all appliances and electronics when not in use, they're responsible for 10-40% of your electricity usage.
- Allow more natural light into your home and you can reduce the use of electricity.
- Your refrigerator and freezer will require less energy to maintain the coldness if they are full of food.
- Buy a laptop instead of a pc for your next computer and you'll use far less electricity.
- Approximately every three months, vacuum the condenser coils under your refrigerator. If they get built up with dust and dirt, the refrigerator has to work harder to keep your food cold.
- Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs.
- Use cold water whenever possible. This includes both for laundering and showering.
- Use less water when you flush. Up to half the water consumed in a home is used in the bathroom.
- Keep a bucket or two outside to catch the rain as it falls from the sky. You can use this water to wash your car, water your lawn.
- Wash clothes only when you have a full load. You'll save money on your water and electricity bill when you wash with a full load.
- Learn how to find water leaks.