Hurricane Tips

  1. Pack a bag of clothes, including sleeping gear, for each member of the family. If you have a baby don’t forget to pack enough diapers, baby clothes and formula.
  2. You would also want to record all possessions that are in your house. You can also store this at your bank’s safety box. The record of your possessions will help for insurance purposes so that the losses can be evaluated.
  3. Try to move as far away as you can from the center of the hurricane. Evacuate to a family member’s home or shelters close by.
  4. Gather all important papers and special photos together and either secure them in plastic bags or at your bank’s safety box. Since identification takes long to replace secure your social security identification card, birth certificates, as well as, diplomas, and titles or deeds to property.
  5. Pack a bag of clothes, including sleeping gear, for each member of the family. If you have a baby don’t forget to pack enough diapers, baby clothes and formula.
  6. Along with overnight clothes also include extra cash, credit cards, batteries, bottled water, radio, toilet paper, non-perishable goods, flashlights, prescription medicines, non-electric can opener, matches, first aid kit, portable cooler and fire extinguisher.
  7. If you decide to stay home during the storm, be as prepared as if you were to evacuate. Have all the above items stored safely at home, preferably stay stationed at one of the safest rooms in the house.
  8. Don’t forget to apply all necessary shutters to all doors and windows. If you have no shutters installed, it is recommended that you apply plywood instead.
  9. Cut all trees and remove all items near the house. Trees and other items could become dangerous projectiles during the storm, so it is important to remove them.
  10. It is also important to clear all drains near your home. By doing so, you clear all the pathways for water to flow freely.
  11. Stay inside of your house during the storm. Do not exit the house until authorities declare it is safe to do so.

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Hurricane Warning Flags


Red Flag – Phase one. May threaten within 72 hrs.

Red I - Watch

Red Flag with black dot in center – Phase two. May threaten within 36 hrs.

Red II – Warning

Two red flags with black dot in center – Phase three. Likely to strike within 24 hrs.

All Clear

Green Flag – Phase four. Hurricane has passed.