ATLA-SET Payroll Services

Simplify your payroll by processing your employee salaries electronically. This real-time online payroll option makes paying salaries extremely convenient and easy, without the hassle of writing checks.

Recommended for:

 Businesses that want to reduce payroll costs and reduce workload
 Businesses with two or more employees
 Businesses that prefer direct deposits into employee bank accounts instead of check salary payment method

Product Features:

 Payroll is processed through Online Banking and is processed within seconds
 ATLA-SET Payroll interface software free of cost
 Minimal Processing Fees
 Funds are immediately available to employees


 No more writing checks or handling large amount of cash
 Payments go directly to your employee account
 Do your payroll whenever you want; from the comfort of your home or office
 Employees can access funds immediately through ATMs, tellers or by making purchases using Atlantic Bank Visa
 Check Card
 Employers and employees build a relationship with Atlantic Bank for future services

Requirements for Service:

 Company must have a minimum of two employees to be paid through ATLA-SET
 Company and employees must all have Atlantic Bank accounts

Terms of Service:

 Apply for service at the nearest Atlantic Bank
 Meet all requirements for service